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Pretoria-oos / Pretoria East

Take charge of your financial future with our expert financial planning and wealth management services in Pretoria East. As a valued client, you'll enjoy dedicated support and access to a comprehensive range of solutions. Contact us today to start building a secure and prosperous future.

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’n Belegging is nie kar koop nie, maar . . .

’n Belegging is nie kar koop nie, maar . . .

Soos dit maar tydens vakansies gaan, ontmoet jy soms toevallig nuwe mense. Baiekeer handel die gesprek oor wat jy doen e...

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Letter of wishes and trusteeship: how to convey valuable information

Letter of wishes and trusteeship: how to convey valuable information

We all know the importance of a will as an instrument to transfer assets to heirs. Likewise, a trust is a well-known and...

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Wensebrief en trusteeskap: dra só waardevolle inligting oor

Wensebrief en trusteeskap: dra só waardevolle inligting oor

Ons almal weet hoe belangrik ’n testament is om bates aan erfgename oor te dra. Net so is ’n trust ook ’n bekende en bel...

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Start small

Start small

Financial planning are two words that often sound daunting to people, being considered a difficult and sometimes impossi...

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Begin klein

Begin klein

Finansiële beplanning is twee woorde wat mense dikwels skrik op die lyf jaag, omdat dit as ’n moeilike en soms onbegonne...

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Welvaartoordrag tussen generasies

Welvaartoordrag tussen generasies

Dit klink miskien voorbarig om oor hierdie konsep te praat, maar dit is tog iets wat elke dag gebeur. Mense gaan dood. L...

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Wealth transfer across generations

Wealth transfer across generations

It may seem premature to discuss this concept, but it is something that happens every day. People pass away. Farmers who...

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Die Comrades-marathon van Finansiële Beplanning: ’n Reis na Finansiële Sukses

Die Comrades-marathon van Finansiële Beplanning: ’n Reis na Finansiële Sukses

Ek het in my lewe die voorreg gehad om aan 14 Comrades-marathons deel te neem. Ek kan dus met ervaring sê dat die hardlo...

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The Comrades Marathon of Financial Planning: A Journey to Financial Success

The Comrades Marathon of Financial Planning: A Journey to Financial Success

In my life, I have had the privilege of participating in 14 Comrades Marathons. From experience, I can confidently say t...

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The annuity conundrum

The annuity conundrum

Life annuities have been in the news quite a lot in the last few months. As we are getting numerous queries about this t...

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Die annuïteitraaisel

Die annuïteitraaisel

Die afgelope paar maande was lewensannuïteite skielik weer baie in die nuus. Ons ontvang weer vele navrae oor hierdie ti...

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Conversations for the family

Conversations for the family

As a child, I found our family’s weekly shopping trip quite exciting! It was great fun to fill the trolley with everythi...

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Gesprekke vir die gesin

Gesprekke vir die gesin

Ons gesin se weeklikse uitstappies vir inkopies was vir my as kind altyd baie opwindend! Dit was so lekker om die trolli...

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Monetisering van kunsmatige intelligensie

Monetisering van kunsmatige intelligensie

Terwyl kunsmatige intelligensie (KI) die afgelope 12 maande een van die grootste dryfvere van die wêreldaandelemark was,...

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Monetising AI

Monetising AI

With artificial intelligence (AI) being one of the largest drivers behind global stock market performance over the past ...

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Is there a role for an endowment in my portfolio?

Is there a role for an endowment in my portfolio?

Gathering information – including the assessment of a potential client’s needs and goals – is an important element of fi...

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Is daar plek vir ’n uitkeerpolis in my portefeulje?

Is daar plek vir ’n uitkeerpolis in my portefeulje?

Die versameling van inligting – waaronder die bepaling van ’n potensiële kliënt se behoeftes en doelwitte – is ’n belang...

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Wait for the dip, or keep buying?

Wait for the dip, or keep buying?

Markets have displayed extreme volatility in the past few years, leaving investors with heightened fear. It has also lef...

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Wag jy vir die daling, of hou jy aan koop?

Wag jy vir die daling, of hou jy aan koop?

Markte het die afgelope paar jaar uiterste wisselvalligheid getoon en beleggers met groot vrese gelaat. Dit het by talle...

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Living or Life Annuities: Choosing the Right Option for Your Retirement Income

Living or Life Annuities: Choosing the Right Option for Your Retirement Income

As you approach retirement, we are here to support you every step of the way. Together, we can create a financial plan t...

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Lewende of Lewensannuïteite: Wat is die regte keuse vir jou aftree-inkomste?

Lewende of Lewensannuïteite: Wat is die regte keuse vir jou aftree-inkomste?

Terwyl hierdie nuwe hoofstuk van jou lewe nader kom, wil ek jou gerusstel met die wete dat ons hier is om jou elke tree ...

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“It’s not the plane, it’s the pilot”

“It’s not the plane, it’s the pilot”

Die eerste keer wat ek Top Gun: Maverick gekyk het, was nogal ʼn spannende ervaring – veral omdat dit in ʼn IMAX-teater wa...

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“It’s not the plane, it’s the pilot”

“It’s not the plane, it’s the pilot”

The first time I watched Top Gun: Maverick, was a thrilling experience. Even more so in an IMAX theatre and not having r...

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Lessons from Learning to Ride a Bike: Navigating Investment Risks with Confidence and Caution

Lessons from Learning to Ride a Bike: Navigating Investment Risks with Confidence and Caution

I can remember the first time I got a bicycle. I was ecstatic – it was a blue Raleigh bike with a set of training wheels...

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Lesse wat fietsry jou leer: Hoe om beleggingsrisiko’s versigtig maar met vertroue te trotseer

Lesse wat fietsry jou leer: Hoe om beleggingsrisiko’s versigtig maar met vertroue te trotseer

Ek kan nog onthou toe ek die eerste keer ʼn fiets gekry het. Ek was in die wolke – dit was ʼn blou Raleigh met ʼn paar oefe...

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The two-pot system in a nutshell – what do you need to know?

The two-pot system in a nutshell – what do you need to know?

This system will take effect on 1 September 2024....

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Die tweepot-stelsel in ʼn neutedop – wat moet jy weet?

Die tweepot-stelsel in ʼn neutedop – wat moet jy weet?

Hierdie stelsel tree op 1 September 2024 in werking. ...

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Richest people on earth

Richest people on earth

If I were to ask who the richest person on earth is, most people would say Elon Musk or Bill Gates or Warren Buffett. We...

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Rykste mense op aarde

Rykste mense op aarde

As ek sou vra wie die rykste mens op aarde is, sal die meeste mense antwoorde gee soos Elon Musk of Bill Gates of Warren...

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Economic Overview March 2024

Economic Overview March 2024

In the March 2024 presentations held by PSG Wealth Pretoria East, I looked at the macro environment that may impact mark...

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Ekonomiese Oorsig Maart 2024

Ekonomiese Oorsig Maart 2024

Tydens PSG Wealth Pretoria-Oos se Maart 2024-aanbiedings het ek na die makro-omgewing gekyk wat dalk in die komende jaar...

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Am I saving blindly, or do I know where I’m going?

Am I saving blindly, or do I know where I’m going?

In our recent investment presentations, my colleague Hennie Fourie provided a very good explanation of the power of comp...

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Spaar ek blindelings of weet ek waarheen ek op pad is?

Spaar ek blindelings of weet ek waarheen ek op pad is?

In ons onlangse beleggingsaanbiedings het my kollega Hennie Fourie ’n baie goeie verduideliking gegee van die krag van s...

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Investing in a complex and uncertain world

Investing in a complex and uncertain world

The macro environment is uncertain and volatile, and it becomes much more difficult to put together an investment portfo...

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Beleggings in ’n komplekse en onsekere wêreld

Beleggings in ’n komplekse en onsekere wêreld

Die makro-omgewing is onseker en wisselvallig, en dit raak baie moeiliker om in hierdie omgewing ’n beleggingsportefeulj...

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Meta Platforms

Meta Platforms

Growing up in the East Rand as a child, I remember my dad bringing The Star newspaper home every night. In those days, a...

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Meta Platforms

Meta Platforms

Ek het aan die Oos-Rand grootgeword en ek onthou nog hoe my pa elke aand die koerant, The Star, huis toe gebring het. In...

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Goue eiers en goue visums

Goue eiers en goue visums

Hoekom belê ons nie net in die wenners nie? Ons sou tog heel suksesvol net in wenners kon belê indien ons ʼn kristalbal g...

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Golden eggs and golden visas

Golden eggs and golden visas

Why don’t we invest only in the winners? Surely, we would have been quite successful in doing so if we had a crystal bal...

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 Financial wealth and happiness

Financial wealth and happiness

After years of practising as an attorney, I joined PSG at the age of 40, among other things, doing financial planning fo...

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Finansiële welvaart en geluk

Finansiële welvaart en geluk

Nadat ek jare as ’n prokureur gepraktiseer het, het ek op 40-jarige ouderdom by PSG aangesluit, waar ek onder andere bep...

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Overnight tragedies and long-term success

Overnight tragedies and long-term success

What is the long term and what is long-term thinking, and what are we talking about when we talk about long-term investm...

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Onverwagte tragedies en langtermyn-sukses

Onverwagte tragedies en langtermyn-sukses

Wat is die lang termyn en wat is langtermyn-denke, en waarvan praat ons as ons van langtermyn-beleggings praat? Beteken ...

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Investing offshore simplified

Investing offshore simplified

At the time of my undergraduate studies at university approximately 20 years ago, the notion of investing funds offshore...

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Belegging in die buiteland is eenvoudiger as wat jy dink

Belegging in die buiteland is eenvoudiger as wat jy dink

Tydens my voorgraadse universiteitstudie, sowat 20 jaar gelede, was die idee van belegging in die buiteland ʼn vreemde be...

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How a single grain of rice can turn into millions

How a single grain of rice can turn into millions

When we think about artificial intelligence (AI), we typically think about extreme examples such as Arnold Schwarzenegge...

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Konstantes en veranderlikes

Konstantes en veranderlikes

Die wêreld rondom ons verander heeltyd, maar tog is daar konstantes wat die toets van die tyd deurstaan. Een van die sim...

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Constants and variables

Constants and variables

The world around us is changing constantly, but there are constants that have stood the test of time. Take, for example,...

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