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Featherbrooke Traded Policies

Don't surrender your policy or investment, just trade it - restricted or not

PSG is one of the few financial services companies that truly focusses on the private client market. We cater for a diverse range of needs and can tailor unique portfolios to meet your exact needs.

Francois Mouton and his team at PSG Featherbrooke Traded Policies, specialise in sourcing and providing clients with trading quotes (also called second-hand policies), as an alternative to the early surrender of investments or policies.

They will provide quotes for willing and able buyers of insurance contracts according to their specific trading criteria and which will be of benefit to policyholders, investors, financial institutions, financial advisers and the executors of estates. All Restricted (legislative or product) investments or policies are definitely tradable!

Complete transparency will be maintained throughout the entire trading process, disclosing all fixed costs, the fee structure and total trading price paid by the buyer.

Click here to read more about the resale option for policies/investments.

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